LP Staking
Stake your DOGZ in the DOGZ/TFUEL pool on ThetaSwap to earn DOGZ Tokens and LP fees. You can choose a lockup period and earn rewards based on your staked amount and lockup duration.
DOGZ Rewards: A portion of 75,000,000 DOGZ Tokens distributed over 4 years.
Native LP Rewards: Your LP tokens also earn ThetaSwap pool rewards, which can be claimed by unstaking and withdrawing your liquidity.
How it works
Supply Liquidity: Add liquidity to the DOGZ/TFUEL pool on ThetaSwap to receive LP-DOGZ tokens.
Stake LP-DOGZ Tokens: Lock your LP-DOGZ tokens for a chosen duration.
Rewards Calculation
Emission Rate
Rewards are emitted at a constant rate of 0.594558 DOGZ per second, totaling 75,000,000 DOGZ over 4 years.
Your reward depends on your staking weight compared to all other stakers.
Weight Formula
Your staking weight is calculated as:
Lockup Multiplier increases with longer staking durations:
30 days: 1x
60 days: 2x
90 days: 3x
180 days: 6x
User A stakes 100 LP tokens for 60 days:
User B stakes 50 LP tokens for 180 days:
Total Weight:
Reward Breakdown
User A earns:
Which means 40% of the 0.594558 DOGZ per second = 0.2378DOGZ per second
User B earns:
Which means 60% of the 0.594558 DOGZ per second = 0.3567DOGZ per second
If more users join, the reward distribution adjusts dynamically.
Key Features
Flexible Staking Positions
You can divide your LP tokens across multiple lockup durations to maximize rewards.
Stake 20% of LP tokens for 90 days to get a 3x multiplier.
Stake 80% of LP tokens for 180 days to get a 6x multiplier.
Claiming Rewards
Rewards can be claimed after the lockup period ends.
After the lockup period, you can:
Unstake to claim rewards and tokens.
Keep staking to continue earning rewards.
Forfeiting Rewards
Unstaking before the lockup period ends will forfeit all rewards for that position.
Last updated