🔓Token Vesting

Contract Details

Contract -> 0x5c0f2de5a4fa0d61dbb351cdf9cb941119927fd6

Associated Token Address -> 0x7B292F1EA85155EDC2fe9703E938d569DEd33db2

Vesting Total Amount -> 690.714.965 DOGZ

Initial Vesting Period -> 01/04/2024, 00:00:00 UTC

Vesting Count -> 6

The token vesting contract is taken from AbdelStark repository.

This contract is audited by Hacken, and the audit report can be found here.

Vesting Distribution

Core Team Wallet

Vesting ID -> 0x4de0c7ddf76e277dd16d71b1f6a43688f08181c3a717c644c320af4f860ba0c1

Beneficiary -> 0x81b67d9e832126bA5e8301795047B34d7feE3793

Vesting Duration -> 48 Months

Time Between Releases -> 3 Months

Total Amount -> 150,000,000 DOGZ


Vesting ID -> 0x573149ab5388fc9b38f5ea7a18951abd450a3a29813e30634719e5c78c22de52

Beneficiary -> 0xD3cf594B3c1f624ed19D39E2b5a64E7CaD47A436

Vesting Duration -> 48 Months

Time Between Releases -> 3 Months

Total Amount -> 200,000,000 DOGZ

Platform Rewards

Vesting ID -> 0x0356cd8e78ab362147b79b9c05cb90dad594b27001f02fcc91d7f9af739c89df

Beneficiary -> 0x98b7782740bdf4A00792B826701E43E4c807b715

Vesting Duration -> 12 Months

Time Between Releases -> 12 Months

Total Amount -> 230,000,000 DOGZ

DEX Liquidity Pool (TDROP)

Vesting ID -> 0x8c440c572c6212ba68c310f615f001b83e685b3aa53777fd71ca86cd5d0e6bf5

Beneficiary -> 0x111b3743c905B4D1Cc10BEeF9bD86c909a443e70

Vesting Duration -> 1 Month

Time Between Releases -> 1 Month

Total Amount -> 40,000,000 DOGZ

DEX Liquidity Pool (Others)

Vesting ID -> 0xeed8e0d7f09c4eb6fb3e3091d8286f047cb1751836dbec2bc205e77e9173c881

Beneficiary -> 0x111b3743c905B4D1Cc10BEeF9bD86c909a443e70

Vesting Duration -> 2 Months

Time Between Releases -> 2 Months

Total Amount -> 60,000,000 DOGZ

Dev Wallet

Vesting ID -> 0x688c5b7714b0c3a4ff03ca344963e0e25bdb876267554426e0111c83fdf6c7c1

Beneficiary -> 0x81b67d9e832126bA5e8301795047B34d7feE3793

Vesting Duration -> 48 Months

Time Between Releases -> 3 Months

Total Amount -> 10,714,285 DOGZ

Last updated